Business Process Management Policies Nobody is Talking About!


Quarantining and Isolating Bad Product

Quarantining doesn’t only apply in the warehouse environment but on your very desk as well. Please be sure that if you come across any defective or unsafe equipment or materials that you appropriately tag and identify them as defective (a red tag is usually pretty effective) so that no one borrows them or sends them elsewhere.


Please don’t hesitate to see your manager before disposing of any equipment or items such as batteries in order that we respect our environment and that we can account for it inventory wise. Not doing so will impede your company’s Operational Excellence efforts.


Whistle Blowing

If you have reasonable suspicion that an employee or supplier is breaking the law, or stealing material you must immediately report it to the Human Resources department.

It’s important to understand what fraud can entail, so you can recognize it and avoid mistakes.

Some examples include:

  • Submitting false expense reports
  • Forging or altering checks
  • Misappropriating assets or misusing company property
  • Unauthorized handling or reporting of transactions
  • Inflating sales numbers by shipping inventory known to be defective or non-conforming
  • Making any entry on company records or financial statements that is not accurate and in accordance with proper accounting standards


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