Business Process Management Policies Nobody is Talking About!

business process management (bpm)

It is great that an organization\’s management committee commits to a new Business Process Management (BPM) policy woven into their Operational Excellence directives. However, in conducting due diligence verification, I\’ve come to notice that following topics or lack of is common. Here\’s a breather on some of the business critical policies not included in many operational excellence guides.


It’s everybody’s responsibility to ensure that our workplace is safe and free from hazards. The most common hazards we must be proactive against are fire and personal injury.

Please use common sense when using personal coffee makers and portable heaters. You should indicate to your manager that you have a personal coffee maker or portable heater.

Please wear adequate foot wear at all times with closed shoes in warehouse or lab environments. Walking around the premises in socked feet is not safe and hygienic.

Please refrain from use of extension cords or multiple power strips. Extension cords are not designed to be used for permanent installations.

Also, certain lab environments should be clear of cables running across the ground and should always be routed overhead out of the way of tripping.

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