Customer Value – Do You Think You What Customer Value Is?

Customer Value-Added is not necessarily business value-added

Voice of the Customer - Customer Value

I felt I needed to post this and get the comments rolling. Here is my take on customer value:

While value can be summarized as “what a customer would be willing to pay for”, the notion of value-added products or services surpasses that. It’s important to understand the customer’s point of view and remember that:

  1. Value implies there is continuous process and quality improvement with upstream feedback loop to the executive team as well as to the marketing and engineering teams
  2. Value is described as lead-time reduction and on-time delivery
  3. Value includes open communication and responsiveness between our customers and ourselves
  4. Value implies ease of doing business with us

Do Your Customers Agree With What You Think Customer Value Is?

If you\’re rusty on QFD.

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