Steve Jobs Vision on Quality in 1991

Steve Jobs was ahead of the curve with Six Sigma and Quality Assurance

Steve Jobs

Here is a hair raising interview I found with Steve Jobs, circa 1991 when he was the president of Next Computer. I don’t who the interviewer is but the young Steve Jobs appears to be less brash at this point in his career.

I have provided the video link below but I also took the time to transcribe the roughly three-minute interview. Thanks to Lean Six Sigma Training Ltd for posting this on YouTube. Enjoy.


After basic introductions, he starts:

“People that do not use quality in their marketing are the Japanese. You never see them using quality in their marketing. It’s only the American companies that do.

And yet, if you asked people on the street which products have the best reputation for quality? They would tell you the Japanese products.

Now why is that? How could that be? The answer is because customers don’t form their opinion on quality for marketing. They don’t form their opinions quality on who won the Deming award or the Baldridge award.

They form their opinion based on their experience with the product, or the services. And so, one can spend enormous amounts of money on quality. One can win every quality award there is and yet if your products don’t live up to it, customers won’t keep that opinion for long in their minds. And so I think, where we have to start is with our products and our services, not with our marketing department. And we need to get back to the basics and go improve our products and services.

Now again, quality isn’t just the products or the services. Having the right product, you know, and knowing where the market is going and knowing where the markets are going and having the most innovative products is just as much about quality as the quality of the construction of the product when you have it.

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