Convincing Your Manager to Say Yes to Six Sigma Training

Making the Case for Six Sigma Training

So how is certification going to work for you? Before you can convince someone that you should fly to Aubuquerque for a week to spend with a roomful of perfect strangers or process engineers you should ask yourself if you\’ll really come out of there any smarter. That\’s what I thought.

  1. Relevant training – make sure you present your boss with the argument of training with a subject you\’re currently facing in an important project or one that will be crucial in the known near to mid future.
  2. Online training – is your training available online in the form of a webinar or web presentation? Many online courses are available that range from 20 minutes to four hours. Many online training seminars are self-managed meaning you can take the course on your own time or around your desk with other colleagues who may also benefit. Some online courses even offer the possibility of saving the presentation for reuse later on.
  3. Location – if your certification cannot be completed online, can you attend a course or seminar without impacting your day to day grind locally? When faced with the chance the training you want is not available without boarding a jet who will cover for you? Why doesn\’t your manager send that person to get certified? What makes you the best candidate?
  4. Time away from work – who\’s going to do your work while you\’re away? Everybody has heard that one before (or you can argue that you\’ve got a BlackBerry, laptop, and VPN access to ensure you\’ve got all the bases covered.
  5. Cost – Courses range from $800 to $1800 a day. Online six sigma training ranges from $60 to $400.

Thanks for reading. Reposted with permission from

Convincing Your Manager to Say Yes to Six Sigma Training

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