SPC (Statistical Process Control) Excel Templates for the Next Month

SPC (Statistical Process Control) Excel Templates

SPC (Statistical Process Control) Excel Templates

Great news this morning team! Dean Christolear over at CpkInfo.com (the former stataids.com) has been kind enough to grant us permission to offer his great, free Excel Templates for statistics.

Over the next few weeks, we will provide the templates for download on templatestaff.com, but we also encourage you to visit the CpkInfo.com website as well.

The following templates will be offered throughout the rest of May and to the end of June. These great templates will be useful whether you are checking SPC in Brazil or an ASQ member in India so please download and tell your colleagues about templatestaff.com!

3 Factor DOE (posted May 30 ,2014)

Attribute Gage R&R (posted June 4, 2014)

Attribute SPC (posted June 4, 2014)

Basic Statistics (posted June 17, 2014)

Binomial & Poisson Probability (posted June 17, 2014)

Chi Square Test

F and t Test

Fractional DOE

Gage R&R

Normal Z Table

Process Capability

Rank Sum Test


Response Surface DOE



Virtual Process

Virtual Machine

Virtual Factory

Weibull Analysis


SPC (Statistical Process Control) Excel Templates


SPC (Statistical Process Control) Excel Templates

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